About Alana

"I am rooted, but I flow.” ~Virginia Woolf

Yeonmi Park – Escaping the Horrors of North Korea & the Kim Dynasty

“Yeonmi Park is an activist and author who fled to the United States after being a victim of sex trafficking. Park recounts her oppressive childhood in North Korea, starved and without electricity. She remembers how the lights of neighboring countries gave her hope for a better life. She spares no detail when explaining what a society under a ruthless dictator, mass killings, and delusional propaganda looks like.

Yeonmi takes us through her harrowing journey being smuggled out of North Korea only to meet a new terrifying reality – the Chinese sex trafficking trade. Park speaks frankly about the realities of survival in captivity and the pain she carries with her still today. We wrap up with her rescue by missionaries and her first brush with freedom in Times Square. Yeonmi illuminates some hard truths and warns of the signs of communism seeping into the United States.”


“There is no question that these are very tough times but we need to remember that behind every act of destruction is a channel of creativity that will surface when the timing is right. Creativity and destruction are two sides of the same coin and both are activated during times of great change and transformation

You will need good practices this month to keep you stable, grounded and balanced. You will need the support system of your tribe of like-minded people. You will need to focus daily on gratitude and nurturing self-care. And, you will need to have some project or goal in your life that you are passionate about that can be an outlet for your creativity. As you shift from relying on the external to relying on the internal, you may need to let go of attachments, addictions and habits that will not support you.

The forecast this month may sound very dire indeed however there are many bright spots and opportunities that should be acknowledged. There are glimpses of freedom, new discoveries, deep and permanent healing, and a lighter energy at times supporting joy, play and creativity.”



“This month you can turn things around in your life putting yourself on a different trajectory more aligned with your personal truth. What have you always wanted to do? If you had the means, the time, the energy, and did not have to consider others, what would you change? And is this dream current or is it something from the past that you never had a chance to experience? Part of the reality check is to acknowledge what is of the past and release it to the past including old intentions and dreams that you may still be attached to. And, there may be some dreams that can be brought into present time and modified to who and where you are right now and what is possible for you given your present circumstances. What was the motivation behind that original dream? And is it still important to you? If so, how can you refine and modify it to better align with who you are today? …

This could be your turning point, a new sense of personal power and ability to create and manifest from within.

You have the opportunity this month to finally commit to something you have wanted to do for a while, maybe your whole life. It is a good month to turn “I should” into “I will”, “I can’t” into “I can and I will”, and “If only” into “What if?”. The reality check is to make sure what you are intending is really what you want, and the turning point is the 100% belief in yourself and your creativity to magically manifest with the support and trust in spirit.”



“It is a time of great transformation and the window between the 2 eclipses offers us the opportunity to examine what is out of balance, work on our self-esteem, eliminate what does not serve and reset ourselves on a new trajectory of greater balance in our lives. It is not an easy time as we reflect on an identity that is being eroded by change. You can be irritable, despairing, inspired, grateful, emotional, rational, serious and whimsical all in the same day.

The best thing to do is to stay grounded and connected to the earth as a constant foundation. There are some serious choices that will be made by some especially about what to eliminate that causes imbalance. Some of you are overworked, overstressed, and feeling unsupported. If your life is out of balance, this is the time to get it back into balance.”



“What is the definition of true power? Power comes from spirit and your essence and is fed and supported by the elements and energies more powerful than you such as the sun, the earth, nature, the stars, your imagination… You can be empowered or allow yourself to be disempowered through a trauma, karma or lessons, but another person cannot truly give or take away your power as they cannot ever truly give you any. True power is something no one can take from you and is not connected to anything you can lose. You can lose your money, things, homes, reputation, relationships, physical body parts, even your health. But you can never take away your spirit, experiences, wisdom, medicine, talents, dreams and intentions. They are yours and yours only and are part of your power base. Requiring acceptance or attention from others does not build power. With that said, however, true community and unconditional connection is a wonderful way to feel your own power in giving and receiving.

Where in your life have you felt disempowered? How can you take responsibility for that? Where have you given your power away? What experiences have empowered you? And where have you expected to gain power that was not authentic?

We have all been imprinted with an idea and belief of power as being related to accomplishments that can be measured. Influence, money, degrees, notoriety, fame, attention, accumulation of wealth etc., have long been a part of the measuring stick that may have influenced our dreams and intentions and had us looking in the wrong direction to gain power. Success can mean a lot of things…

The key is to access the power within you and not to look for it on the outside. You will only be disappointed with the illusion in the end. If you don’t do the work now, it will be that much harder later when the energy is less supportive of it. We have a tremendous opportunity to move through this and access the amazing landscape of love, beauty and manifestation on the other side.”

“The Virgo Full Moon Knows What We Want Before We Want It”


The future is present, the present is past, the vibes are psychic, and everything within us is looking for a release.

If the valve opens under the stars of Virgo then the valve is a tight opening and tight openings — we know — are quick to rupture. The influence of this lunation is persistent, knowing what we want before we know it, giving us what we want before we’re sure we’re ready for it. Under the Virgo full moon’s perceptive light and the two weeks that recover from it, it’s likely that in the search for a release, we might find ourselves returning to old habits, old haunting grounds, and old coping mechanisms unconsciously.

It’s important to remember that any form of return, including relapse and repatriation, is an opportunity to recognize difference: You are different from who you were, it is different from what you remember, and nothing stays the same. The past self you meet at these places of rupture has been waiting for you. It means to integrate. It wants you to know that all your selves are necessary where you are going and none of them (not even the one you feel you are now) knows where it is you’ll end up.